The benefits and harm of debabtism (subtitles)

Дорогие друзья! На нашем ютуб-канале появилось новое видео с английскими субтитрами «Польза И Вред Раскрещивания» (The Benefits And Harm of Debabtism ) для ваших англоязычных родственников, друзей и коллег.

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Is the debaptism harmful? Can one be debaptized automatically, if he or she is far away from a church? These question is answered Gregory, esoteric psychologist, the weekly online meeting.

If you strive for resolving problems, search how to develop brain, practice self-development, want to talk to esoteric psychologist, are interested in understanding karma law, healing and try to find a sense of life, this video is for you!

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